Front Desk: (703) 914-9608
Membership: (703) 560-1282

Cool Pool News – 2024 – No. 9

NOVA in the summer
It’s hot and it’s wonderful
School is out, time to relax
At the neighborhood swimming pool…

Swimming is open from 11am-9pm daily
Where friends and family can meet
And there’s lots of other activities
To mix, mingle and greet…

Food Truck Friday – New Gourmet Delight

Food Truck Friday is ON this week with another favorite – New Gourmet Delight! Choose from a selection of delicious Banh Mi Paninis, Tacos, Chicken Sandwiches and more. Check out the menu and send your pre-order in before 1pm on Friday, June 14th. Walk-ups are also welcome. Food truck will be in the parking lot between 5 pm and 7:30 pm.

To pre-order, text or call: 571.338.7020

Please provide:

  • Your name
  • Your order
  • Preferred pick-up time

FRIDAY JUNE 14 – Happy Hour

Bring you dinner to the pool, or purchase from the Food Truck. Enjoy an adult beverage too – but please NO GLASS CONTAINERS anywhere in the pool area. Travel coffee mugs can take on an entirely new meaning – just sayin….

SATURDAY JUNE 15 – Swim Meet

The first home swim meet of the season will begin at 8am and should be over by 12 noon. Pool opens to members as soon as the meet ends, so if you arrive at 11am, please feel free to come in to cheer and support the Barracudas swim team! Food and drinks will also be available for purchase in Kathy’s Korner.

TUESDAY JUNE 18 – Ricardo’s Lunch Bar Opens

Ricardo’s Lunch Bar will be opening for the season from 11.30am – 2.30pm (subject to volunteer support). The lunch bar will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken sandwiches, snacks and drinks – CASH ONLY. However, without volunteers to grill, the cooked items may not be available. The lunch bar will be open Tuesday and Thursday, and we are attempting to open Saturday & Sunday. But remember, it takes a village, and this village is running very low on volunteers (and the usual suspects have the audacity to travel on vacation this year!!) Please click the “volunteer button” on the home page of the website and think about being a “someone” who should volunteer! Instructions will be available in Kathy’s Korner – just assistance and common sense is required.

TUESDAY JUNE 18 – Float Night Begins

Let the first float night begin! Bring any kind of float to the pool, and toss it in at 7pm to enjoy a solid hour of “fun with floats!” If you do not have a float, you can join the fun anyway! And from 7.30pm-8.15pm, ice cream floats will be sold at Kathy’s Korner – for just $2 per float – CASH ONLY. It’s a great way to spend a summer evening at the pool. Proceeds to the pool to pay off the new pool house!

And if you really want the evening off, arrive at 6pm and purchase pizza at the pool – available 6-7pm. Proceeds to the swim team.


Sunday June 23 will be the First Sunday Night Dinner of the season – the annual Shrimp Boil. It’s a fabulous evening of food and friendship – just $18 per person for shrimp, potatoes, corn, corn bread and coleslaw – plus bread pudding with whiskey sauce (this is amazing and truly worth the price!) or watermelon. Kids meals available too! Starts at 5pm – you should definitely plan to be there!

SATURDAY JULY 13 – Annual Adult Party Summerfest.

Open to all – members or non-members – for an evening of food, fun, live music and swimming until 11pm. Event starts at 6pm – secure your babysitter now! Advance tickets available for reduced price. Party will go on – rain or shine! Check the website for details.


Do you know where your kids are? And why are they taking so long in the bathroom?! We ask that you PLEASE watch out for gaggles of young kids when they disappear to shower. Last year, the handicapped seat in the men’s shower was broken when several kids decided to test its weigh limitations. And already this year, the seat in the women’s shower has suffered the same fate. We ask that you and your children RESPECT the property of the pool. Would you let this happen in your own home? Every repair runs into the hundreds of dollars, and the impact is felt by all, as we have to pass the expenses on in membership fees. PLEASE TEACH RESPECT of all the pool property – it belongs to us all. This rule applies to use of the bbq’s too – please leave them as you found them – or cleaner! There is no mystery ‘someone’ who will clean up after you…

Quick note referring back to last week – just a gentle reminder, only CLEAR PLAIN WATER is allowed on the deck. No fancy waters or seltzers – WATER ONLY. We are really trying to keep bees and bugs to a minimum – your cooperation is appreciated.

Cheers to Summer 2024 – it’s going to be a hot week!!