It is officially Summer, we are open for fun Lots of things to enjoy, some old and some new Look, and mark your calendars, volunteer to help (please) So, when you hear “I’ve got nothing to do”… Head to pool and join in There are so many activities Or simply sit and relax And do as you please… TREE REMOVAL Beginning 8 am this Thursday, June 24, there will be a tree removal company working in the pool grounds behind the deep end of the pool. There will be two trees removed, one dead and one dying. The back playground and grassy area will be cordoned off for your safety and we ask that you stay well away from this area. But it you have ever wanted to see two trees cut down by hand using ropes and leverage, this is your chance. These men are athletes! Two other trees further away from the pool area will also be removed. Work will take two days, but the workers will finish their day at 3.30 pm. Please excuse the noise and inconvenience, and respect the workers and the area they will be working in. Yes, trees are like people, they need haircuts, and they do not live forever. Thank you. |
ADULT SWIM Every Sunday from 10-11 am, the pool is open to adults only (18 and over) to enjoy swimming laps, general swimming, or simply relaxing on the deck with a paper or good book! Another chance to mix and mingle with others! FLOAT NIGHT Every Tuesday at 7 pm, bring a float and enjoy the fun and frivolity in the water. Ice cream floats served from 7:15 -8:30 pm. And you can be assured the kids sleep soundly once home! Rain date for Float Night is always Wednesday. JULY 4th This is a pool and community tradition! We open the pool to all the community for FREE from noon-4 pm. There is a decorated bike/trike/stroller parade at 1 pm, and assorted fun relays and water games following, ending with the famous ‘greased watermelon’ challenge. Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks are available for purchase from noon-2 pm. And the pool closes for all at 6 pm to allow everyone a chance to enjoy the evening festivities elsewhere. Due to COVID, last year did not happen, but we are planning to have it all happen this year. However, this takes VOLUNTEERS – you can sign up on the website at and click on the BLUE VOLUNTEER HERE button. As of right now, THERE ARE NO VOLUNTEERS SIGNED UP. If you are planning to be around on July 4th and wish to attend the festivities at the Pool, please consider signing up. Yes, many have kids and others to look after, and many want to enjoy the day – as does everyone. Sometimes you have to give a little too. It’s really fun, but this day cannot happen without your help. Do it for your community. Please volunteer – giving and receiving is a two-way street. JULY 3rd As part of July 4th, the decorated bike parade is a fun way for kids to show their red, white and blue pride! And we’re here to help. You can decorate your ‘rides’ at home or bring your ‘ride’ to the pavilion at the pool any time from 1-4 pm on Saturday, July 3. Bring any decorations you have, and we will also have some to choose from at the pavilion, along with plenty of tape! Once decorated, you can leave your bike at the pool for the parade the next day. All ages and sized bikes/trikes/stroller’s welcome! Hope to see you at the pool Now PLEASE go to website and VOLUNTEER… Cheers |