Front Desk: (703) 914-9608
Membership: (703) 560-1282

Cool Pool News – 2024 – No. 7

FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY- Pua’s Plate Lunch- Hawaiian Fare

Every Friday through summer, a Food Truck is scheduled to be in the parking lot at the pool.  All are welcome to purchase from it.  Now that the pool is open, all members are invited to bring their food to enjoy dinner “al fresco” stye at Kathy’s Korner outside of the swimming area.  

This Friday …… Relax and enjoy authentic Hawaiian delights courtesy of Pua’s Plate Lunch food truck…without even having to book a flight! Select from tender roasted pork, honey garlic chicken, Teri beef, Salmon or several Poke Bowl options! 

Pre-orders encouraged before noon on Friday, May 31 – walk ups welcome! Place your pre-orders here:


In conjunction with Food Truck Friday, we invite you to join the communal dining areas at Kathy’s Korner for Happy Hour any time from 6pm.  Bring a beverage of choice and sit with friends and family, and make new connections with others.  One rule only – NO GLASS CONTAINERS of any kind can be brought to the pool.  No bottles, mason jar drinking containers, plates etc.  Please abide by this rule – bare feet, shards of glass and gallons of water do not mix, and make for almost impossible clean up.  


The pool is open 11am-9pm Saturday and Sunday, but while FCPS is still in session, the pool is open weekdays 1-9pm.


Our amazing Barracudas Swim Team has begun afternoon practices, which are from 4:45pm-7pm.  This requires the use of two lanes of the pool during this time.  The remainder of the pool and the deep end, will be open to all members. 

Please understand and accept the limited use during this time.  This is only until June 12, as once school is out, morning practices will begin, which take place before the pool is open to members.  Sharing is caring! And yes, the lap lane is still open during this time!


Just like life, this pool runs on VOLUNTEERS.  If you enjoy the activities – and there were over 150 of you that did so at Opening Day – then please VOLUNTEER to help.  This events cannot continue to be organized and run by the same few, most of whom have “aged out” with children grown and knees and backs feeling like they’d far prefer to be sitting with all the younger people… 

This year, we are trying to accommodate the requests to run the RICARDO’S lunch bar on the weekend for both lunch and early dinner.  The shifts are 11:30am-2:30pm and 2:30-5.30pm on the weekend.  One seller and one griller is required to make this happen. 

On the website home page, there is a Volunteer Now button, which takes you to Sign-up Genius. And right now, it is completely empty!  It takes a village – please help!  This village is not a one-man-band!  Volunteering is good for the soul and sets a great example for your children to follow.  Children will volunteer if they see their parents and other adults doing so – if not, volunteers will disappear like  dinosaurs


Let’s all learn, or refresh one rule – this week – The BABY POOL.  This pool is open to children 6 & under, and all children should be supervised by an adult in the pool area, at all times.  Technically, the lifeguards do not guard the baby pool ( although we all keep an eye on it).  During break time, children over 6 years old are NOT allowed in the baby pool.  Break time is to relax, use the bathroom, apply sun screen – not romp in the baby pool.  As a safety issue, any children found in the baby pool unsupervised will be asked to leave the enclosure, until their adult is found.  This is a huge safety concern to have children unaccompanied in the area, with adults “supervising” from the big pool or further afield – as has already happened this year.  


Please keep up with this CPNews – upcoming, there will be details about  pool closures for swim meets, details about parties and lots of general information you may find helpful to plan the best time at our Neighborhood Back Yard!

Happy Summer to All…